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he 3rd green inside awards ceremony held by taya electric wire & cable’s pristine homeland foundation on saturday, january 5th, was a success. the foundation chairman mr. shanghung shen, director wenbin li, and judge panelist instructor bohong liu presented the southern spirit, pristine homeland, and magic school awards at the ceremony. the parents, siblings, spouses, and coworkers of the award winners filled all the seats of the auditorium on the 7th floor of taya’s taipei office complex to celebrate and share their joy. 


during the award ceremony, not only did the winners share their works with the audience, ms. huiyi jiang, the winner with energy conservation works in the 1st award ceremony, and mr. liming hu, the award winner with works related to coexisting with riverbased ecosystems in the 2nd award ceremony, were also invited to share their accomplishments after winning their awards.

after the awards ceremony, mr. huixiang hong and mr. zhunji zhou, the winners of the southern spirit award, each provided fruits from organic farms to the audience. as we enjoyed the meal of fruits, everyone shared their experiences on environmental protection and exchanged contacts. the green inside was true to its name, after all.

the 3 rd green inside finished successfully amidst the laughter. we are already looking forward to the 4th green inside.
