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        fearless of the hot morning sun, taya pristine homeland foundation (green inside) and wetlands taiwan organized on june 29 (sat) morning the “clean environment, rich ecology” event at the erren river basic education center for employees and their family to understand the importance of biodiversity. plant manager huang, ming-ching of the energy and telecom cable business group took the lead to join the event. with nearly 100 participants, the event participation rate is high


       back in 2007, ta ya electric wire and cable began to consider the direction of implementation of its corporate social responsibility (csr) and develop plans for long-term engagement and achievement of social benefits. after a number of trials and errors and the accumulation of core capacity for long-term implementation, it applied with the environmental protection administration (epa) of the executive yuan for the establishment of taya pristine homeland foundation in tainan at the end of 2011. as the current event is involved with wetland protection, taya pristine homeland foundation specifically collaborated with wetlands taiwan to eradicate the exotic species white leadtree (leucaena leucocephala) around the detention pond and to lead taya pristine homeland foundation participants to discover more about the common kingfisher (alcedo atthis) through the paper common kingfisher diy activity.


       green inside convenes employees of ta ya electric wire and cable and their families to contribute to environmental protection and eco-friendliness nearly every month. at the beginning of the current event, participants eradicated the exotic species white leadtree (leucaena leucocephala) around the detention pond to protect the endemic species through concerted efforts, in order to protect our homeland. as the “top flora killer,” the white leadtree is a heliotropic plant that can grow fast up to 6-8 feet with adequate sunlight, making it difficult for the plants around to grow. when sunlight reaches a certain level, the white leadtree grows fast and tall, shading other plants below. in addition, it releases a toxin (mimosine, allelopathic chemical substance from plants) to inhibit the growth of endemic plants. this is the weapon that the white leadtree uses to consolidate its territory and expel its neighbors. therefore, employees of ta ya electric wire and cable and their families eradicated the white leadtree in the area to prevent its seeds from spreading and falling on the soil to form a seed bank.


       in addition to eradicating the white leadtree, the event helped participants know more about the common kingfisher (alcedo atthis) through the paper common kingfisher diy activity. the common kingfisher generally lives alongside the stream, river, pond and irrigation channel at an elevation below 1,200m and it is also found along the coast, estuary, and mangrove bush. it needs clean water with a gentle flow. however, as river remediation projects in taiwan often turn natural embankments into concrete embankments or cement levees and as rivers are turned into cement structure rivers where industrial wastewater and urban sewage are drained, pollution accumulates upward through the food chain to severely threaten the survival and reproduction of the common kingfisher. with such characteristics, the bird has higher requirements for the environment and many countries thus consider it as one of the indicators for the river environment. through the paper common kingfisher diy activity, green inside hopes to recall the importance of river environmental conservation to the public.



       committed to promoting environmental protection and eco-friendliness, green inside has been organizing various activities over the years. by convening participants through volunteerism, the event has enabled employees of ta ya electric wire and cable and their families to enjoy activities organized by inside green. through the eradication of the white leadtree and the paper common kingfisher diy activity, participants understand the importance of homeland protection and promote friendship to achieve at the same time green inside’s common good goal: “besides the good for you and us, it is the good for all” in order to fulfill the foundation’s founding aim.