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      ta ya's magnet wires have long been the preferred choice for building motors. in an attempt promote taiwan's electromechanical industry, ta ya electric wire & cable has joined mobiletron, ansys, lutron ind., and universal microelectronics into creating a joint venture company named amit co., ltd. that specializes in providing the most practical and useful knowledge about motor making. this team of a-players has set their goals to succeed in the global market with their innovative service.

       taiwan was once a globally renowned producer of motors, but the industry consisted mainly of small and medium enterprises that generally lacked the ability to research, develop, design, validate, protect patents, and make innovative applications of their products. in response to this shortcoming, taiwan electrical and electronic manufacturers' association had gathered 5 key players of taiwan's electronic/electrical supply chain, namely ta ya electric wire & cable, mobiletron, ansys, lutron ind. and universal microelectronics, to create amit co., ltd. ta ya group chairman shen shanghong was elected as the chairman of amit, while the president role was assumed by mr. wu jianyu, a long-time instructor of motor designs.


       the founding ceremony was held at the conference center of chang yung-fa foundation in the afternoon of the 13th. chairman shen began his speech by addressing the imminent problem: "how do we make products in taiwan with mij quality at mic price?" according to chairman shen: "to build a motor of superior quality, we must win from the starting line. the product must be designed correctly to deliver minimal energy consumption, heat, noise, and vibration, and this is what amit has been founded to do. amit will be working closely with customers from the design stage and introduce intelligent production technologies that help reduce production time, cost, and improve overall efficiency of the product delivered. considering the possibility that designed products may be subject to regulatory requirements concerning efficiency, environmental impact and safety during the sales stage, a cloud service platform will be established to bring manufacturers up to speed on customers' requirements worldwide."

       when asked about the company's name, chairman shen said: "amit will be an organization that functions outside of the conventional business model in taiwan. manufacturing used to be taiwan's advantage, and amit's role as a design service provider will complement that advantage and provide taiwan's motor industry with the ability to offer one-stop services. to achieve this purpose, it would require the collaboration and innovation from several industry participants, as the company's chinese name suggests." in the end, chairman shen thanked northern region motors association, china productivity center, metal industries research and development centre, and taiwan electrical and electronic manufacturers' association for their help in making amit a reality. he had high hopes for amit to design better motors than dyson did.

       deputy director general leu jang-hwa of industrial development bureau, ministry of economic affairs, said in his speech: "the creation of amit conforms with the government's new industry strategies, as is a promising example of the intelligent mechanics industry. to transform an industry, we must continually contribute new ideas and practices, and in the case of mechanics, incorporating it/communication design is one way of adding value and giving mit motors comparable quality to mij counterparts but at better pricing."

       according to president wu: "m stands for motor and a stands for advanced. taiwan was once renowned for the production of motors, but when faced with the uprise of chinese manufacturers, we needed a design company to complement our one-stop service, and amit was established to do just that. amit emphasizes on four main services, namely: subsystem design, testing and validation, production technology, and cloud. it was founded with the hope of bringing taiwan's electromechanical industry into higher end applications throughout the world."

       the government is currently supporting the development of intelligent mechanics and advanced electronics. it encourages businesses to adopt innovative technologies and make creative applications of their products, such as robotics, medical tools, drones etc. all of which need to be powered by "smart and energy-efficient motors." furthermore, energy and carbon reduction initiatives undertaken by governments around the world have given rise to demands for more efficient motors, and the need for revolutionary motor technologies. the five founders of amit originate from different industries. the vertical integration of their expertise should prove beneficial in future business development.
