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      building a pristine homeland has been one of the missions of taya group. in the morning of the 3rd, the group held its northern region family day at sinwu yongan fishery port, during which nearly 100 employees and family members from taya taipei branch, cuprime, cugreen, and united electric showed up in support of the coastal cleanup. in the morning of the 17th, taya's corporate volunteers visited bajia village, guiren district, to speak with local residents about power safety and solar energy. whether in northern or southern part of taiwan, taya is indistinguishable in terms of devotion to social activities and corporate responsibilities.

       sinwu green tunnel is a renowned coastal attraction in taoyuan. taya group's 2015 northern region family day event was held at the shingle beach in the southern part of the coast. this year's coastal cleanup was held in the northern part at yongan fishery port. led by taya group chairman shen shanghong, nearly 100 employees and family members were quickly assigned to their designated areas for garbage cleanup. despite the cold northeast monsoon, everyone seemed passionate about putting on gloves and picking out garbage with tongs. a significant amount of waste was removed during the event, and the volunteers found several abandoned truck tyres that could only be removed with the effort of many strong people. all waste picked off the beach was classified according to international coastal cleanup data card. the event was considered a success given the significant results achieved in just one hour.


       according to our statistics, living, and recreational waste including plastic containers, plastic bags, beverage containers, and disposable utensils accounted for most of the garbage (83.21%), while cigarettes and lighters represented another 6.08%. these two types of garbage were created as a result of nearby tourist activities. meanwhile, garbage from fishery and recreational fishing activities accounted for 8.762%.after lunch, participants spent their afternoon traversing through the green tunnel on bicycles (and tandem bicycles). in the morning of the 17th, taya's corporate volunteers visited bajia village community center in guiren district to speak with more than 60 local residents about power safety. to support taya group's active involvement in the solar energy business, this event also included an introduction to rooftop solar power system.

       mr. yang jincong, chief of bajia village, guiren district, said in his speech that "taya gave him his first job, back in the time when the factory was still located on renhe road. thank you, taya volunteers, for reminding our residents about power safety." he said.

the event began with the screening of "environmental friendly professionals," a documentary produced by the foundation, followed by the use of photos and video clips that gave participants a concise explanation about domestic wiring, grounding, leakage detection, and elimination of short circuit. as a support to the government's green energy initiatives ("million rooftop pvs"), this event also included a description on how solar energy system works and important notes about installing rooftop panels. during the seminar, participants were invited to engage actively in fun quiz, and those who answered correctly were rewarded with one of taya's specially made power extension cables. due to overwhelming response, the one-hour event ended much later than it was intended. lastly, the event closed with taya's charity club donating supplies to residents in need. whether in northern or southern part of taiwan, taya group is indistinguishable in how it coordinates resources throughout the organization and mobilizes employees to engage in social activities and fulfill taya's role as a corporate citizen.

taya group remains active in social engagement coastal cleanup and power safety in northern and southern taiwan