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        ta ya group held its family day event in the morning of saturday, march 19 at junan section of shanhaizhen trail, where employees and family members were invited to plant orange jasmine and cycle towards singangshe cultural centre before returning home.

this year, the green inside foundation once again teamed up with tainan city water resources bureau to plant 100 orange jasmines along the left bank of section 3 junan road, and added a touch of green to the riverside. in the morning of the 19th, more than 80 employees and family members from ta ya electric wire and cable, ad engineering and ta heng electric wire and cable were gathered at longfeng temple, while principal wu maocheng of tainan community university taijiang campus, employees of water resources bureau and residents of home with love were also present that day.

       ta ya group chairman shen shang-hung began the day's event with an excising announcement: "the china berry trees we planted last year have flourished and blossomed thanks to the care of green inside volunteers in the last 6 months." to children who had participated in the event, chairman shen encouraged them to come back and check on their trees from time to time, for they are living proof of what we have contributed to building our pristine homeland.& nbsp; shanhaizhen trail is a cycling trail built with the support of tainan city government. it runs through taijiang and connects to wusanto reservoir, and hence the name "shanhaizhen." the river bank along section 3 junan road was initially planted with some china berry trees, but in order to provide cyclists with a more comfortable and safer cycling environment, the city government removed some of the asphalt surface and planted arbors and scrubs instead. these trees not only separate cyclists from cars and motorcycles, but will someday grow to form an appealing green tunnel as well.

       after the chairman's speech, the competitive cyclists and recreational cyclists made their separate start. led by chairman shen, who also happens to be a hardcore cyclist, the competitive group rode out with members of ta ya cycling club, traveling along the cycling path on the right side of the river bank past the national museum of taiwan history, and were greeted by a vast expanse of fish farms and rice fields. the cyclists reached singangshe cultural centre before heading back to complete the 22km journey. at the end of the event, they all agreed to take on a more challenging route the following year.
