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ta ya strives to become the no. 1 brand in the cable industry through ongoing innovation and research.

ta ya possesses leading technology in cable manufacturing. it introduces green wires for the protection of earth's environment, and eliminates heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, etc. from all pvc cables without additional cost to buyers.

ta ya is the first cable manufacturer in taiwan to receive "type 1 eco label" from environmental protection administration, and the nation's only cable manufacturer to win the "1st green classics award" organized by the ministry of economic affairs.

however, green wires have yet to attract enough of the market's attention, and most users still use pvc cables that are characterized by their heavy metal content and the potential to generate hazardous gas when burnt. out of concern for environmental protection, ta ya has adopted a lead-free process for the pvc cables it produces, without incurring additional costs to the buyers. free of lead, cadmium and other heavy metals, the cables are a reflection of ta ya's care for the environment.

this level of attention to environmental matters is the reason that ta ya's products are specifically requested in numerous infrastructures, high-tech facilities, and high-profile construction projects in taiwan. after becoming the nation's first manufacturer to successfully develop and deliver 345kv extra high voltage cables (the highest voltage generated in taiwan) to taiwan power company, ta ya once again satisfied taiwan power company's demands and developed 69kv ant-resistant cables, which makes it the first qualified supplier to pass taiwan power company's standard tests. in april this year (2013), the ant-resistant cables were purchased by taiwan power company for the very first time. this series of development is a testament to ta ya's advanced technological capabilities ahead of peers.

according to ta ya, becoming the most trusted business in taiwan's cable industry has always been the company's goal. to achieve this vision, ta ya has made long-term commitment to corporate social responsibility and green products, as demonstrated by its sponsorship to "green inside project" since 2007 and the publication of "green wire" magazine. for two consecutive years, the company was ranked top 50 in "global views magazine's" corporate social responsibility award.

ta ya emphasized that the company is a strong pursuer of "ongoing improvements, mutual benefits, pragmatism, and innovation." it constantly reminds managers and employees to perfect products, services, and business management, and contribute to making ta ya the most trusted business in taiwan's cable industry through "teamwork" and "sharing."
